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hiring managers

Recruiting Success Means Partnering with Hiring Managers

Technical recruiters have a challenging job under any circumstances, but they’re under additional pressure in today’s competitive market for skilled tech workers. Some candidates are only available for a few days before they’re offered a position, and it’s become more important than ever for recruiters to use every tool they have. Steve Branosky, a technical recruiter at Blue…

Video Job Interview Mistakes

7 Common Video Job Interview Mistakes

With video job interviewing becoming more popular, a candidate looking for their next career move cannot underestimate the importance of being familiar with this effective recruiting method. Being interviewed on a video does not require great acting skills – the recruiter has already read your CV, now it’s time to get to know the person….

You Wanted to Know about Tech Recruiting

5 More Things You Always Wanted to Know About Tech Recruiting (but Were Afraid to Ask)

When you send your cover letter and resume to corporate recruiters, have you ever thought “I wonder if they will really read this?” The answer is probably not. In fact, recruiters spend just six seconds reviewing your resume before they decide to throw it in the “toss or keep” pile, according to research conducted by TheLadders. That’s…

Ask the Recruiter

Ask the Recruiter

Every now and then, you’ve probably run into a recruiter a social gathering and if you drum up the courage and they seem approachable, you might ask them a few questions “off the record.” We thought it would be fun to do a post like that so we asked Annie Philipsen, a senior technical recruiter at Trulia, a…

Are catchy job descriptions increasing employee turnover
Recruiting Jobs

Are catchy job descriptions increasing employee turnover?

Turnover hits companies right where it hurts: the bottom line. Hiring and training a replacement can cost more than twice the departing employee’s salary. And that’s not counting things like downtime and lowered morale among the remaining employees. So it’s no wonder that companies go to great lengths to reduce turnover. But too many of…